Passionate about golf and want to raise funds for children in need of life-changing care? Hosting a fundraising tournament at Topgolf® is a fun, simple way to make a difference! By hosting these easy-to-manage events, you can help Shriners Children’s™ continue their mission of providing The Most Amazing Care Anywhere™ for the children who need us, regardless of the families’ ability to pay.
Topgolf’s tournament style offers a social, exciting alternative to traditional on-course golf events. Plus, Topgolf staff will handle all the day-of tournament coordination so you can focus on what matters most—raising funds to help children thrive!

Benefits to a Topgolf Fundraiser
What’s included in a Topgolf Tournament?

Shriners Children’s even provides organizers with Perfect Golf Event management software for free (a $297 value!) to help you raise funds and manage the registration of your sponsors and guests. Change children’s lives at Topgolf today!