Fundraising Tournaments at Topgolf

Passionate about golf and want to raise funds for children in need of life-changing care? Hosting a fundraising tournament at Topgolf® is a fun, simple way to make a difference! By hosting these easy-to-manage events, you can help Shriners Children’s continue their mission of providing The Most Amazing Care Anywhere for the children who need us, regardless of the families’ ability to pay.

Topgolf’s tournament style offers a social, exciting alternative to traditional on-course golf events. Plus, Topgolf staff will handle all the day-of tournament coordination so you can focus on what matters most—raising funds to help children thrive!

Benefits to a Topgolf Fundraiser

  • Day or evening play
  • No rainouts or weather delays

  • Fun environment that caters to all skill levels, including non-golfers

  • Turn-key event with expert guidance, concise timeline and dedicated team

  • More networking and interaction with your event guests

  • Distinctive sponsor branding to drive increased revenue

  • Sponsor packet template and useful support documents to ensure a successful event

What’s included in a Topgolf Tournament?

  • Exclusive TopContender Tournament game with automated game scoring

  • Tournament Ambassadors to provide game demo and manage tournament flow

  • Live team leaderboard across TVs in all event bays

  • Full catering and bar service

  • Ability to add on Digital Media Packages, Hole-in-One Contest, Mulligan Shots, Beat the Pro, Silent Auction, Raffles, and Swag/Prizes

Shriners Children’s even provides organizers with Perfect Golf Event management software for free (a $297 value!) to help you raise funds and manage the registration of your sponsors and guests. Change children’s lives at Topgolf today!